TopAmmoMag, LLC may tender online orders via FedEx, UPS, or USPS parcel services. TopAmmoMag, LLC will choose the best available method for any given order, unless specified and agreed to between TopAmmoMag and the purchaser. Delivery confirmation with signature required options can be requested prior to placing an order, and at the customer’s added expense. TopAmmoMag, LLC cannot be held responsible for packages lost in transit, mis-delivered, or that are stolen from the delivery address. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to provide any necessary special handling instructions that may be required in order to deliver to certain addresses. TopAmmoMag, LLC is not responsible for additional delivery charges that may be incurred as a result of special procedures necessary to deliver a package to a particular address. We generally offer free shipping only to the lower 48 Continental U.S. States and there may be additional shipping expenses for certain products. We also reserve the right to request for shipping expenses to be paid by the customer on orders that are deemed to be too low in value.
Orders will usually ship within 2 business days unless an item is backordered, not in our warehouse, unavailable, or a paid service is being performed prior to shipment, or an alternate arrangement has been agreed to by the purchaser.
TopAmmoMag may attempt to have the delivery address changed at the customer’s request. A package redirection fee may be charged, based upon the policies of the parcel carrier being used. TopAmmoMag is not responsible for packages delivered to an incorrect address unless an error was made within its shipping procedures.
We want your shopping experience with us to be easy and hassle-free. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return most unused items in their original packaging within 60 days of receipt of merchandise for an exchange or refund. For your convenience, offers a FREE pre-paid shipping label for qualifying domestic returns. Returns for non-defective merchandise will result in a 15% restocking fee. Returns will not be accepted more than 60 days after your order was placed.